I have to say, I am so dissapointed in the web design feature of Publisher
2003. Publisher 2000 was so easy to use, especially converting a publication
that we print and mail for the web, and having it look exactly the same in
explorer as it does printed. The pages don't order themselves and display the
same way they did, and the navigation bars don't work for me. I think the
web design feature should be reworked back to the way it worked in 2000, or
at least build in the option to be able to convert a publication that way. I
can't tell you how totally frustrating it's been for the past 1 1/2 weeks
trying to convert one little 3 page publication. Some of our publications
are 10-15 pages long.
Thanks for listening,
2003. Publisher 2000 was so easy to use, especially converting a publication
that we print and mail for the web, and having it look exactly the same in
explorer as it does printed. The pages don't order themselves and display the
same way they did, and the navigation bars don't work for me. I think the
web design feature should be reworked back to the way it worked in 2000, or
at least build in the option to be able to convert a publication that way. I
can't tell you how totally frustrating it's been for the past 1 1/2 weeks
trying to convert one little 3 page publication. Some of our publications
are 10-15 pages long.
Thanks for listening,