Registered users adding a file to my web site



How can I create the functionailty where registered users to my web site can
add a file to my web site by themselves. Such as when you add an image file
to an eBay auction. Ebay walks you through (category) steps, but then to add
a picture, you select the BROWSE button and it lets you select a file stored
on your own computer.
How is that done? How can I do it? Is there a common script available for
this functionality? Thanks.

Thomas A. Rowe

First you need to determine what server-side scripting is supported by your web host, then you need
to search for a script or component written in support of that language.

FP has a file upload component, but you must be hosted on a Windows IIS web server with the FP2002
extensions. It is limited to a 1 MB upload per files. Also your web host must allow you to use it.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Teri Carnright

You can add a File Upload feature to a form in FrontPage - in your FrontPage
Help (F1) section, type in "File Upload" - you'll find the answer in there.


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