Registering a 2nd Email Account?



Gen Info:
Using: MS XP Prof Media Center Ed, SP3
Outlook 2007
My primary email address is all ready in Outlook 2007. How it got there?
Well, I don't know for sure. But my guess is that when I paced through an
MS's inital training module: "Up To Speed ..." it got into the Outlook

Okay, then (you may ask), what's the problem?
Well, I wanna have another email address added into the Outlook 2007
program. For obvious reasons, some of my email goes to one address and
certain types of email goes to another address (It's for a special business
project.) I just want to keep things separate. The problem is: I can't seem
to figure out how to add a second email address to my Outlook 2007 program.
I don't even know how exactly my primary email address got into this program
in the first place. Go figure????

Okay, so here's what the Liontamer did so far:
Outlook 2007 > Tools (I figured that was a smart choice) > Account Settings
New > MS Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP (Option button is selected) > Next >
Add New Email Account (See, I was getting excited now. I thought I was on
the right track.) (So, I filled in the Dialog Box.) > Next

Then, I get this message: "Access to Hotmail via Outlook Express now
requires a subscription." (What the 'Monkey's' is going on here? I all
ready paid for this program. Now they want more money! Humm, I don't know
anymore. I'm gonna Roar pretty soon. Thanks goodness for this discussion
group.) Continuing their message: "Please sign up at"

So what does this Liontamer do?
I go to that address "http://join...." and it redirects me to this webpage: (What's all this stuff after
"/?showunauth=1 it's all so complicated?"

1. I all ready have a second hotmail account (reasons all ready explained
2. I use Verizon DSL with MSN (Humm, I wonder if it's got something to do
with that account? But even Verizon allows an end user multiple accounts.
So, well, I just can't figure it out.)

Your challenge, should you decide to accept it is:
How do I add another email account to my Outlook 2007 ?
Why do I get the message above: "Access to Hotmail via Outlook Express now
requires a subscription."?
How do I acquire a subscription? And do I really need one, since I all
ready have Verizon with MSN and since I all ready have separate email
Does this all have something to do with my Verizon account?

PS: This message will not self detsruct in 30 seconds. But it will
challenge those of you Captains who have boldly gone where us Liontamers have
not been before!
Have a pleasant day. Live long and prosper!

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