Your DB will need to track total consumed spaces (gets updated) and total available spaces (fixed) for each class
- think of it as a normal stock inventory management for an online store or shopping cart app
On your registration page you query the DB for both values
- and the difference is the available remaining spaces you allow for potential signup
(which you could use to run a drop down option for allowable # that can sign still up)
At end of signup when you write to registration to DB and compute new total consumed spaces
- as long as the new total consumed spaces< total available spaces pr0ceed w/ write and update
- if it exceeds it, someone else has "signed up" in mean time, so return them to signup w/ an error message and new available
remaining spaces (or write them to the signup waiting list table instead)
Also incorporate reverse processing
- if someone deletes a class or registration you will need to do the same math /processing in reverse
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| Yes, between my team and myself we have database design and scripting skills.
| Can you direct us more technically? Thank you very much!
| "Bob Lehmann" wrote:
| > To begin with, you will need knowledge of database design, and server-side
| > scripting such as ASP or PHP to accomplish this.
| >
| > You will also have to be able to deal with scenarios such as....
| > There are 3 vailable spaces left, and 4 people attempt to sign up for those
| > spaces at the same time.
| >
| > You will also need to be able to envision other possible scenarios, such as
| > the one above, and be prepared to deal with them.
| >
| > Do you have those skills?
| >
| > Bob Lehmann
| >
| > | > > I have a registration form on my website that students use to sign up for
| > > classes. I would like it to do the following: 1) at least - not allow a
| > > student to sign up for a class that is full - i.e. 12 people have already
| > > signed up, 2) potentially allow 2 students to sign up on a wait list basis
| > > while knowing they are doing so, and 3) if possible, show a running total
| > of
| > > how many spaces are left in a class so that if 2 individuals want to take
| > the
| > > same class at the same time they would know that there is space. I am
| > > transfering my web hosting to a site that supports server extensions which
| > I
| > > believe I will need to do this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank
| > you!
| >
| >
| >