I would like to create a registration page with forms. I would like to have a
confirmation email sent automatically with username and password in the
confirmation email, that also has a link back to the website. The user would
need a valid email address to receive the confirmation email before they
would have access to a file on my website. So, I would like to have three
parts working together:
1. Registration form
2. Email confirmation
3. Protected file
Can I do this all in FrontPage?
Can FrontPage use a mysequal database on a Linux server?
Thanks for you help in advance.
confirmation email sent automatically with username and password in the
confirmation email, that also has a link back to the website. The user would
need a valid email address to receive the confirmation email before they
would have access to a file on my website. So, I would like to have three
parts working together:
1. Registration form
2. Email confirmation
3. Protected file
Can I do this all in FrontPage?
Can FrontPage use a mysequal database on a Linux server?
Thanks for you help in advance.