Registry Hack to Change Email Behavior


Phil Rabichow

(This may be a duplicate, as I screwed up when trying to post this before.
Sorry! )
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but I'm looking for a registry
hack & this sort of crosses over many forums. I'm trying to accomplish the
same things I could with Win 98SE. With that operating system, Office 2000
(including Outlook 2000), Winzip 9.0, & Netscape Messenger as my default
email program, I could:
1. Double click a "mailto" shortcut & have Netscape Messenger send the
2. I could also right click a file, choose Winzip/Zip & email,

& send the zipped file using Netscape Messenger.
3. In MS Word, I could click the InsertAddress button (the one under
Tools/Envelopes & Labels) & choose a contact from MS Outlook.

Under Win XP Pro SR-2, using Office 2003, if Netscape is my default email
program, I lose #3. Word tells me that Outlook must be my default email
program in order to use Contacts from InsertAddress.

I found a way to change some of this by making Outlook my default email
program (under Control Panel/Internet Options/Programs tab/ & choosing
Outlook as the default. This causes me to lose the #1 & #2 (Outlook sends
the email). I also discovered that I can regain #1 by changing:


from "C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"
to C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe "%1"

However, every time I reboot, it changes back & I can't find a way to have
Winzip use NS Messenger.

Is there a registry hack that will enable me to:
1. Have Word use Outlook Contacts from the InsertAddress command?
2. Have Winzip use Netscape Messenger to send my zipped emails?
3. Have Netscape Messenger send emails when I double click a "mailto"
shortcut? (#3 is the least important)

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