Registry key for EncryptionProvider



The "Encryption and Rights Management in the 2007 Microsoft Office System"
white paper in the Enterprise Content Management starter kit (now part of
Sharepoint SDK) speaks of a registry key for specifying that a COM Add-in is
the EncryptionProvider for Office 2007.

<<< QUOTE >>>
Office automatically exposes whatever add-in is indicated by the registry
key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \Microsoft \Office \12.0 \ Common \Security
\OpenXMLEncryption], which contains the hex data of a CLASSID as represented
by WCHARs for the encryption provider to use.
<<< ENDQUOTE >>>

I've tried various ways of formatting the value of the CLSID of the sample
Add-in, but none of them seem to work. What is the format used in this key?
Is there an example available that shows what it looks like? I'd appreciate
any help.

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