Registry syntax to ensure that an addin is opened readonly ?



It's been a long time since I've visited this forum where I used to be
a very frequent poster. Hi to all my old friends.

I must ensure that an addin is opened in readonly mode, by all users
except 1. This user must be able to maintain a few tables in the addin.

We've a plethore of problems since my client switched to excel 2007,
esspecially with swapping readonly/readwrite. Addin has been been
running for years all the way thru 2003. Ofcourse the client could set
RO fileattributes in explorer, but client is not too pc savvy....

I remember there's a trick with a startup switch in the registry's OPEN
entry, but can't find it.


Jurgen Volkerink
aka keepITcool.

Peter T

Hi KeepItCool (Jurgen)

Where have you been !

Try the \r prefix in the OPENx

\r "c:\path\myaddin"

Peter T

Peter T

\r "c:\path\myaddin"

Oops! That should be a forward slash

/r "c:\path\myaddin.xla"

Peter T



thx. That's the one i was looking for.

Re absence: I was pissed at not getting MVP cred, which I felt I should
have received. Plus the NG was getting high on volume and low on news.

I've spent the last two years developing apps for others. Still hate
xl2007 and all it's undocumented changes in the nitty-gritty details.

So maybe I'm back... dunno yet.


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