So I posted a while back about an error I was receiving while trying to login
to my incoming mail server. I had the username and pass correct, but it just
wouldn't logon. I could send mail, but not receive anything.
Well the other day, I got a pop up on start up for that RegistryBot scam. I
went to my add/delete programs window in the control panel and removed the
software. Guess what? After two to three weeks of excruciating pain with my
Outlook....problem solved. I started getting new item alerts immediately.
I'm sure everyone else knows about this, but just wanted to pop in and let
the masses know if happened to be affecting anyone else. Peace
to my incoming mail server. I had the username and pass correct, but it just
wouldn't logon. I could send mail, but not receive anything.
Well the other day, I got a pop up on start up for that RegistryBot scam. I
went to my add/delete programs window in the control panel and removed the
software. Guess what? After two to three weeks of excruciating pain with my
Outlook....problem solved. I started getting new item alerts immediately.
I'm sure everyone else knows about this, but just wanted to pop in and let
the masses know if happened to be affecting anyone else. Peace