Thanks for the thanks. I hope I wasn't too obtuse; looking over the
thread again, I may well have been; it was certainly unintentional.
If you are interested in Excel's stat strengths and weaknesses, and some
workarounds, a Google search of the Excel groups for threads with the
following names will yield a lot of good stuff: Braden (me), Conrad
Carlberg, Harlan Grove, Myrna Larsen, Jerry W. Lewis, Bernard Liengme,
Mike Middleton, John Petrulis, and John Wilson. Sorry for any oversight
here. I would add Jon Peltier, Tom Ogilvy, Tushar Mehta and Chip
Pearson, except that they answer so many sorts of questions that a
search under their names might not be as productive for stat-specific
stuff. There are a *lot* of other contributors, though the above bunch
tends to get involved at some point in threads.
As an example, I recently found a real gem that involved Conrad and
Jerry years back. It is a poignant reminder of just how far Excel
*hasn't* come with respect to its stat potential.
Dave B