Regular Expression Help on syntax



Need help on regular expression, where we are trying to grab number values as
well as minus sign if negative. Currently we can grab all the numbers
correctly, just if numbers are negative, we only grab the number not the
number and the minus sign:

Example for:
-10 we get 10 but want -10 of course

I am new to Regular Expressions and have played with the syntax but cannot
get it work properly. Currently we are using

Ron Rosenfeld

Need help on regular expression, where we are trying to grab number values as
well as minus sign if negative. Currently we can grab all the numbers
correctly, just if numbers are negative, we only grab the number not the
number and the minus sign:

Example for:
-10 we get 10 but want -10 of course

I am new to Regular Expressions and have played with the syntax but cannot
get it work properly. Currently we are using

I note that your expression will only capture integers. And also will not
capture an integer at the start of a line.

For integers with an optional sign, and to allow capture of positive integers
at the beginning of a line, try:


Colbert Zhou [MSFT]

Hello Dan,

Based on my researches, if we want to identify the negative number, we can
use the following regular expressions,

Best regards,
Ji Zhou
Microsoft Online Community


Neither of these suggestions would grab the negative sign, so maybe there is
more to it. I have posted what I believe to be the more relevant portions of
the code below:

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=gb")

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String)
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\b" & sDate & "/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & sTempType & "\D+(\d+)"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
Set re = Nothing
End Function

***Here is an example of the data from the source page that we are trying to
pull from

<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Thank you!


You need to OR to expressions like I did below


the pipe character is an or function to either have the minus sign o
not have the minus sig



I tried using your suggestion, but it won't pull any numbers, much less the

The closest I got was using:

but it pulls
instead of

instead of

joel said:
You need to OR to expressions like I did below


the pipe character is an or function to either have the minus sign or
not have the minus sign

joel's Profile: 229
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Microsoft Office Help



I don't know what the \D (capital D does).


1) \d+ the backslash d say take one digit, the plus says take all
didgits folowing the first digit (digit is 0 to 9)

2) ? says match any character before the string of digits 0 to 9.

3) "(\d+|([-+]\d+))" the first part is the same as the \d+ above. I
added the pipe to have an Or'd conditions. Te square brackets say to
match either character the plus sign or the minus sign.

I think you have a space in front of the minus sign. Then you need


You could also try this which will accept either a space between the
plus and minus sign of no space.


Ron Rosenfeld


I tried using your suggestion, but it won't pull any numbers, much less the

The closest I got was using:

but it pulls
instead of

instead of

I'm just curious about what happened with my suggestion?




This doesn't seem to grab any numbers at all. Perhaps there is more info I
can provide from the script below:

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=gb")

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String)
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\b" & sDate & "/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & sTempType & "\D+(\d+)"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
Set re = Nothing
End Function

***Here is an example of the data from the source page that we are trying to
pull from

<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Thank you!



Sorry I posted this reply earlier.


This doesn't seem to grab any numbers at all. Perhaps there is more info I
can provide from the script below:

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=gb")

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String)
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\b" & sDate & "/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & sTempType & "\D+(\d+)"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
Set re = Nothing
End Function

***Here is an example of the data from the source page that we are trying to
pull from

<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Thank you!


I put the string into a file c:\temp\test.txt then ran this code. th
pattern I was using worked. You have to move sequentially through th
file to get the data. Look at what I did below.

Sub UseScript()

Const ReadFile = "c:\temp\test.txt"

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, _
ForAppending = 3

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fin = fs.OpenTextFile(ReadFile, _
ForReading, TristateFalse)

MyStr = fin.readall
URLdate = DateValue("1/1/2010")
sURLdate = Format(URLdate, "/yyyy/d/m")

Set c = Range("A1")

'find html header
FindStr = "/history/airport/KSTP" & sURLdate & "/DailyHistory.html"
StartSearch = 1
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)
If IsNull(Results) Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If

'find Bl gb number
Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "bl gb"
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)
If IsNull(Results) Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(Mid(MyStr, StartSearch), FindStr)
If IsNull(Results) Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = Results.Item(0).Value

'find class=gb number

Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "class=""gb"""
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)
If IsNull(Results) Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(Mid(MyStr, StartSearch), FindStr)
If IsNull(Results) Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = Results.Item(0).Value

'find Br gb number

Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "Br gb"
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)
If Results Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
Firstbyte = Results.Item(0).firstIndex
NumberBytes = Results.Item(0).Length
FindStr = "(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
StartSearch = StartSearch + Firstbyte + NumberBytes
SearchStr = Mid(MyStr, StartSearch)
Set Results = RegexMid(Mid(MyStr, StartSearch), FindStr)
If Results Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Did not find string : " & FindStr)
Exit Sub
End If
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = Results.Item(0).Value

End Sub

Private Function RegexMid( _
ByVal s As String, _
ByVal FindStr) As Variant

Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = FindStr

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
Set RegexMid = mc
Set RefexMid = Nothing
End If

Set re = Nothing
End Functio

Ron Rosenfeld


Sorry I posted this reply earlier.


This doesn't seem to grab any numbers at all.
Perhaps there is more info I
can provide from the script below:

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=gb")

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String)
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\b" & sDate & "/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & sTempType & "\D+(\d+)"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
Set re = Nothing
End Function

***Here is an example of the data from the source page that we are trying to
pull from

<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Thank you!

There is no question that the regex I provided should return all signed and
unsigned integers, as I understand things.

There is also no question that your regex of \D+(\d+) will never capture a
negative integer into the capturing group, since the "-" will always be
captured by the \D.

The problem is in the rest of your regex. It could be that either sDate or
sTempType is not properly formed.

For example, the following three regex's return the desired numbers in
capturing group 1 when run against your test data:

"\b/2010/1/1/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?""bl gb""[\s\S]+?-?\b(\d+)\b"

--> 8


--> 0

"\b/2010/1/1/DailyHistory[\s\S]+?""br gb""[\s\S]+?(-?\b\d+)\b"

--> -8

Above is what your regex should look like after you finish concatenating things

So in addition to your problem with the part of your regex that captures the
integer, which should be corrected by using my suggestion, you need to evaluate
the rest of the regex and how it is being constructed.


I tested Ron's code and it didn't return what you really need. Ron'
string returns everthing to the end of the number you are looking for.

I finally figure it out. You need to put parenthsis around the two su
parts of the search string. the first part is the tag and the secon
part is the number. Then use the submatches prperty to get the 2n

See code below

Sub UseScript()

Const ReadFile = "c:\temp\test.txt"

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, _
ForAppending = 3

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fin = fs.OpenTextFile(ReadFile, _
ForReading, TristateFalse)

MyStr = fin.readall
URLdate = DateValue("1/1/2010")
sURLdate = Format(URLdate, "/yyyy/d/m")

Set c = Range("A1")

FindStr = "(bl gb[\s\S]+?)(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
SearchStr = MyStr
Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = Results

FindStr = "(class=""gb""[\s\S]+?)(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
SearchStr = MyStr
Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)

c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = Results

FindStr = "(Br gb[\s\S]+?)(\d+|([-+]\d+))"
SearchStr = MyStr
Results = RegexMid(SearchStr, FindStr)

c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = Results

End Sub

Private Function RegexMid( _
ByVal s As String, _
ByVal FindStr)

Dim re As Object, mc As Object
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = FindStr
If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc.Item(0).submatches(1)
End If

Set re = Nothing
End Functio

Ron Rosenfeld

I tested Ron's code and it didn't return what you really need. Ron's
string returns everthing to the end of the number you are looking for.

My "code" was merely a regex which is quite different from your code.

If implemented properly, it returns only the number. If you are returning only
what you say, then you probably are not implementing it properly.

To demonstrate some code segments, we could set up the following, with the data
in an Excel worksheet. And code similar to what the OP posted, with a few
minor changes to correct his errors.

I just put MyStr into A1 for testing, not having access to the rest of the OP's
code. And, by setting c=A2 and leaving i=0, the OP's sub would place the
results in B2:D2.

A1: (the sample text given by the OP
<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Then use this routine -- quite similar to that of the OP:

Option Explicit
Sub TestExtract()
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Range
Dim myStr As String
Dim sURLdate As String
Set c = Range("A2")
myStr = Range("A1").Value
sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "/yyyy/m/d/")

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=""gb""")
End Sub

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String) _
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object

Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.ignorecase = True
re.Pattern = sDate & "DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & _
sTempType & "[\s\S]+?(-?\b\d+)\b"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
End Function

As expected, this returns into B2, C2 and D2 the signed integers following the
sTempType variables.

Note also the extra quote marks required in the third call, c/w the OP's.

Also note the terminal regex representing the signed integer.

I finally figure it out. You need to put parenthsis around the two sub
parts of the search string. the first part is the tag and the second
part is the number. Then use the submatches prperty to get the 2nd

Note that your code for a signed integer:


could be more simply expressed as


Why did you choose to use alternation?


Lars-Åke Aspelin

I tested Ron's code and it didn't return what you really need. Ron's
string returns everthing to the end of the number you are looking for.

My "code" was merely a regex which is quite different from your code.

If implemented properly, it returns only the number. If you are returning only
what you say, then you probably are not implementing it properly.

To demonstrate some code segments, we could set up the following, with the data
in an Excel worksheet. And code similar to what the OP posted, with a few
minor changes to correct his errors.

I just put MyStr into A1 for testing, not having access to the rest of the OP's
code. And, by setting c=A2 and leaving i=0, the OP's sub would place the
results in B2:D2.

A1: (the sample text given by the OP
<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Then use this routine -- quite similar to that of the OP:

Option Explicit
Sub TestExtract()
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Range
Dim myStr As String
Dim sURLdate As String
Set c = Range("A2")
myStr = Range("A1").Value
sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "/yyyy/m/d/")

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=""gb""")
End Sub

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String) _
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object

Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.ignorecase = True
re.Pattern = sDate & "DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & _
sTempType & "[\s\S]+?(-?\b\d+)\b"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
End Function

As expected, this returns into B2, C2 and D2 the signed integers following the
sTempType variables.

Note also the extra quote marks required in the third call, c/w the OP's.

Also note the terminal regex representing the signed integer.

I finally figure it out. You need to put parenthsis around the two sub
parts of the search string. the first part is the tag and the second
part is the number. Then use the submatches prperty to get the 2nd

Note that your code for a signed integer:


could be more simply expressed as


Why did you choose to use alternation?


In order to get a proper match I have to use the \ character before
the / characters in the Format function, like this

sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "\/yyyy\/m\/d\/")

Maybe this has something to do with the Regional and Language

I also have a question. What is the function of the two \b in the
regexp? I get a match even without them.
And the negative number is also matched.


Lars-Åke Aspelin

I tested Ron's code and it didn't return what you really need. Ron's
string returns everthing to the end of the number you are looking for.

My "code" was merely a regex which is quite different from your code.

If implemented properly, it returns only the number. If you are returning only
what you say, then you probably are not implementing it properly.

To demonstrate some code segments, we could set up the following, with the data
in an Excel worksheet. And code similar to what the OP posted, with a few
minor changes to correct his errors.

I just put MyStr into A1 for testing, not having access to the rest of the OP's
code. And, by setting c=A2 and leaving i=0, the OP's sub would place the
results in B2:D2.

A1: (the sample text given by the OP
<td><a href="/history/airport/KSTP/2010/1/1/DailyHistory.html">1</a></td>
<td class="bl gb">
<td class="gb">
<td class="br gb">

Then use this routine -- quite similar to that of the OP:

Option Explicit
Sub TestExtract()
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Range
Dim myStr As String
Dim sURLdate As String
Set c = Range("A2")
myStr = Range("A1").Value
sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "/yyyy/m/d/")

c.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "bl gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 2).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "br gb")
c.Offset(0, i + 3).Value = RegexMid(myStr, sURLdate, "class=""gb""")
End Sub

Private Function RegexMid(s As String, sDate As String, sTempType As String) _
As String
Dim re As Object, mc As Object

Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.ignorecase = True
re.Pattern = sDate & "DailyHistory[\s\S]+?" & _
sTempType & "[\s\S]+?(-?\b\d+)\b"

If re.test(s) = True Then
Set mc = re.Execute(s)
RegexMid = mc(0).submatches(0)
End If
End Function

As expected, this returns into B2, C2 and D2 the signed integers following the
sTempType variables.

Note also the extra quote marks required in the third call, c/w the OP's.

Also note the terminal regex representing the signed integer.

I finally figure it out. You need to put parenthsis around the two sub
parts of the search string. the first part is the tag and the second
part is the number. Then use the submatches prperty to get the 2nd

Note that your code for a signed integer:


could be more simply expressed as


Why did you choose to use alternation?


In order to get a proper match I have to use the \ character before
the / characters in the Format function, like this

sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "\/yyyy\/m\/d\/")

Maybe this has something to do with the Regional and Language

I also have a question. What is the function of the two \b in the
regexp? I get a match even without them.
And the negative number is also matched.


I found the explanation to \b (word boundary)


Ron Rosenfeld

In order to get a proper match I have to use the \ character before
the / characters in the Format function, like this

sURLdate = Format(CDate("1/1/2010"), "\/yyyy\/m\/d\/")

Maybe this has something to do with the Regional and Language

I don't know. AFAIK, all characters except


should get matched literally.

Preceding a character (that has no special meaning) by a backslash ("\") merely
represents a single instance of the second character.

If you type, into the immediate window:


what is returned?
I also have a question. What is the function of the two \b in the
regexp? I get a match even without them.
And the negative number is also matched.

\b represents a word boundary, or, more specifically, it matches at the
position between a word character (anything matched by \w) and a non-word
character (anything matched by [^\w] or \W) as well as at the start and/or end
of the string (or line) if the first and/or last characters in the string (or
line) are word characters.


Ron: have you ever looked at the 1970's unix manual volume 2b under th
YACC topic. See this webpage. Look for the link for the PDF files an
use the link : v7vol2b.pdf (819KB)

'7th Edition Manual PDF

pdf file

It is the only good description of pattern matching that I have eve

The question mark indicates any single character.


There are a number of problems with the above search string

1) why do you care that a blank occurs immediately after the las
digit. what happens if there is a return, tab or end of file
2) The match is looking for a positive or negative sign folowed by an
character followed by a blank. Most people don't have a blank.


It is where I found the saying

If you can't bring Mohammed to the mountain, bring the mountain t

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