Regular split or Project?




I have put together a regular mdb application that has
evolved from a single user into something that management
wants 10 folks or so to us.

My question is this:

Can 10 people simultaneously and effectively use an mdb
file that is split with front ends on each individual's
machine and the back end up on a server?


Should I start constructing a 'project' or adp DB?
If I do need to make it a project has all of my front end
from the mdb file been lost or can I salvage any of it?

Any tips or help are appreciated. I'm a bit lost with
this decision not knowing anything about multi-users
or 'projects'.

Best Regards,


I don't think you have any problem for 10 users. MSFT
suggest Access can support up to 25 to 50 users.
Since you are using back and front end, not too many
chances 10 people are requesting the data at the same time.
you may need to consider the budget for upgrade to SQL
Server and you may need a technical guy to maintain the
server. so far i don't see any big data lost if changing
from Access to MSDE/SQL Server

MCP in Access and SQL Server

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