Reinstall Custom toolbars



I need to do a clean reinstall of Windows XP and will therefore have to
reload MS Office 2003.
In MS Office I have some Custom Toolbars and Custom Macros in the BASIC
Excel, Word and Outlook
(not in files I run on those programmes)
How can I save these before the planned reinstall, and how do I recover them
Advice on this would be appreciated.

Dave Peterson

For excel, your macros live in workbooks. If you didn't delete the workbooks,
then you can open these files with the macros and you'll have them again.

As for the toolbars, it'll depend on the way you created them and it'll depend
on what a clean install means.

If you did the customizing manually (through the user interface), then you may
have lost those changes. In xl2003, the custom toolbars live in a file called
excel11.xlb. And if your clean install of WinXP means that you reformatted the
harddrive that held this excel11.xlb file, then you'll have to recreate them.

On the other hand, if your clean install didn't touch that excel11.xlb, you
should be able to find it (using windows search), and then double click on it to
start excel and load this custom toolbar.


If you haven't done the install then you possibly could locate & save
the xlb file on a memory stick. Likewise if the macros are in
PERSONAL.xls, unhide that from the Windows men & save that


Hope that helps, RoyUK
For tips & examples visit my 'web site
' (

Dave Peterson

You don't need to unhide personal.xls (or any other workbook) before you save
it. The important thing is to save it.

Dave Peterson

If I were to use excel's file|SaveAs, then yes.

But why do that?

I would use windows explorer and copy it to that other device. I don't see a
reason to even open excel to do this.

Or I could use a line of VBA code if I wanted:

Workbooks("personal.xls").saveas filename:="X:\personal.xls", _

royUK wrote:

Dave Peterson

Or I could use .savecopyas from within the VBE.

Dave said:
If I were to use excel's file|SaveAs, then yes.

But why do that?

I would use windows explorer and copy it to that other device. I don't see a
reason to even open excel to do this.

Or I could use a line of VBA code if I wanted:

Workbooks("personal.xls").saveas filename:="X:\personal.xls", _

royUK wrote:


Why write code when all you need to do is unhide & save to? I was only
suggesting a way to possibly save the macros mentioned.


Hope that helps, RoyUK
For tips & examples visit my 'web site
' (

Dave Peterson

And then you have to remember to open, hide and save on the other pc.

So why use excel when you can just use windows explorer?


Hi Dave and all other responders
Many thanks for the information.
I found excel11.xlb ok and was able to retrieve it to the new installation

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