
  • Thread starter collinschickens
  • Start date


Hey am about to do a complet reinstall of my OS X have done itt before
but never since i got office installed. I borrowed the install disk
from my brother and used one of the lisence keys that came with it, i
know the key. My brother has moved to uni leaving me with no disk. I
was wondering if it is possible to download the software and then
enter lisence kay, the Macbook install disks i have do install office
test drive i wonder if it is possible to convert this to full office
by entering the key? if anyone has done the same sort of thing or
knows how to do it please respond to (e-mail address removed)


Hi john - I'll try to answer your questions one-by- one as you have several
tangled together here... Plus a couple inferred :) ;

1- Test Drive *cannot* be converted to live Office. It is a 'free 30-day
trial" package & *must* be removed properly before the live version can be
installed in a usable form,

2- There is no Download of Office:Mac - it must be installed from the actual
source disks that come "in the box". Have him mail you the disk(s) if need
be - then send them back :),

3- Unless you have a definite reason for doing so, reinstalling OS X as a
fresh installation is a rather drastic measure. Have you looked into doing
an Archive & Install instead? That way you _shouldn't_ have to reinstall any
of your software & you don't lose your data,

4- If you repeatedly have to reinstall OS X, something isn't right. It may
be good to focus on what is causing the problems in order to avoid having to
do so. Most issues can be resolve with Disk Utility or a good 3rd party
package such as Disk Warrior.

5- Posters here don't reply by direct email - for a variety of reasons, but
mostly so that all who visit can benefit from the exchange of information.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

JE McGimpsey

CyberTaz said:
2- There is no Download of Office:Mac - it must be installed from the actual
source disks that come "in the box". Have him mail you the disk(s) if need
be - then send them back :),

Or borrow an install CD from someone else - the important part is using
your legitimate CD Key.

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