Reinstalling Office X on new mac



I have the upgrade to Office: Mac for OS X, but each time I buy a new
computer, I have to find the previous version. I no longer have Classic

installed and dread having to search all my old disks for the previous
version, so it's a real pain. Any way I can do this without having to
"find" the previous version?


Sorry Cait, but it really isn't clear what you are asking...

The Subject of your post indicates you are *reinstalling* Office X, for
which you would need the install disks, but
In the Body's 1st sentence you say you have the "upgrade" but don't mention
for which version of Office - are you up*dating* Office X or up*grading* to
Office 2004?
And then you go on to write that you don't have the previous (previous to
what?) version 'handy'.

So the best I can tell you for now is:

If you are upgrading to Office 2004 the installer will require you to 'point
it' to a previous version of Office. That version doesn't need to be
installed on the computer, but the source disk will have to be supplied for
the installer to recognize it. Also, the previous version pointed to doesn't
need to be Office X - I believe the upgrade to Office 2004 is valid for any
version back to Office 98. So if you can put your hands on the source disk
for any of the last 3 versons (98, 2001, X) of Office you should be good to


I'm sorry I wasn't very clear, Bob. I have the Office X update, but am
having a hard time finding the source disk for Office 2004. I've tried
pointing to my already installed Office X from my other computer, but
it doesn't recognize it... So that's my problem! Having ADHD and having
misplaced the source disk from which I need to update (again) to Office


Oops. And apparently I don't know the difference between up*dating* and
up*grading*: The Office X disk I have says it's an upgrade.


Ok - I think we're zeroing in on the issue :)

You can forget about what you have already installed on the one (I assume
'older') Mac. That won't do you much good because what you want to do is
install Office X on the 'other' Mac which has *no* version of Office
currently installed, correct?

I'm still not clear on how "...the source disk for Office 2004" factors in -
that is a newer (the latest) version of Office than Office X. If you tried
to use it as the verification for installing Office X I don't think it would
be accepted.

What you need to locate is the install disk for Office 98 *or* Office 2001.
Then you can install Office X on the Mac that doesn't have Office and insert
the Office 98 or 2001 disk at the appropriate time during the installation.
I don't know of a way to install an upgrade without proof of license to a
previous version, although it may be possible. If you can't locate either
source disk contact MS support through the web site. I'll see if I can come
up with something more.

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