Ralph White
PC system crashed. Rebuilt the system and reinstalled OL03. Mail, calendar
& contacts are all good. Trying to reinstall my Personal Folders data is not
working. In OL "File" I "open OL Data File" and specify the full file name
address string starting with the drive. I've tried this with the Outlook.pst
file located on both the C and K (outboard/backup) drives. In clicking
"OK", the result is a 2nd set of "Personal Folders" title being created in
the left hand pane (with no personal folders inserted other than the
standards) and sometimes an error message pane comes up witht he following:
"Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line: 298
Char: 1
Code: 0
URL: outlook://Personal%20Folders"
I'm doing everything I've done in the past w/o success. Is it possible the
OL data file must reside in a specific location? I've always done copys and
never Imports.
Thanks for your help,
& contacts are all good. Trying to reinstall my Personal Folders data is not
working. In OL "File" I "open OL Data File" and specify the full file name
address string starting with the drive. I've tried this with the Outlook.pst
file located on both the C and K (outboard/backup) drives. In clicking
"OK", the result is a 2nd set of "Personal Folders" title being created in
the left hand pane (with no personal folders inserted other than the
standards) and sometimes an error message pane comes up witht he following:
"Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line: 298
Char: 1
Code: 0
URL: outlook://Personal%20Folders"
I'm doing everything I've done in the past w/o success. Is it possible the
OL data file must reside in a specific location? I've always done copys and
never Imports.
Thanks for your help,