Reinstalling true-type fonts (extension .ttf following font name in folder)



Back story, then the question:

My Speakeasy Webmail account's unread messages, in my inbox, are
boldfaced again, as they should be. How did I get it back w/o
reinstalling Word for Mac to get back the fonts I had trashed? I found
the Font Book in the Office folder and was able to reinstall three of
the twelve fonts I'd dumped: Arial, Lucinda Grande, and Verdana.

For some reason, one or all of these fonts re-enabled the boldfacing of
my unread Webmail messages. I do not see the connection, but...

Now here's the question: the other nine fonts happen to be the Asian
ones, e.g., Batang, Gulim, MS PMincho, and others. In the Font Book,
these all are labeled .ttf (true type font)--and none will open when
clicked or double-clicked. Anyone know why? I would like to reinstall
these, too, and promise never to mess with them again. Ever.

Michel Bintener


you've answered your own question in the first paragraph: Entourage needed
one of the fonts you managed to reinstall to display the bold typeface.
Under Entourage>Preferences, General Preferences> Fonts, you can define
which font types you'd like Entourage to use, and the font specified for
list items must be one of those you deleted.

For future reference: a Microsoft employee posted the following list about a
year ago. Do not delete these fonts if you want Office to function properly!

Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3
Lucida Grande
MS PMincho
MS Gothic
MS Mincho
MS Pgothic
MT Extra
Times New Roman

This list doesn't mention OS X-specific fonts, so be careful when deleting
other fonts as well. For instance, do not remove Helvetica, it is needed by
OS X as far as I know. And here's a tip: don't delete fonts just like that
unless you're really, really sure that it is not going to have an impact on
your system. Always create a copy of these fonts and archive the folder you
put these copies in; that way, the fonts will no longer be used by the
system after you've removed them from Font Book, but you can easily restore
them, should you have to.

Back story, then the question:

My Speakeasy Webmail account's unread messages, in my inbox, are
boldfaced again, as they should be. How did I get it back w/o
reinstalling Word for Mac to get back the fonts I had trashed? I found
the Font Book in the Office folder and was able to reinstall three of
the twelve fonts I'd dumped: Arial, Lucinda Grande, and Verdana.

For some reason, one or all of these fonts re-enabled the boldfacing of
my unread Webmail messages. I do not see the connection, but...

Now here's the question: the other nine fonts happen to be the Asian
ones, e.g., Batang, Gulim, MS PMincho, and others. In the Font Book,
these all are labeled .ttf (true type font)--and none will open when
clicked or double-clicked. Anyone know why? I would like to reinstall
these, too, and promise never to mess with them again. Ever.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

Paul Berkowitz

you've answered your own question in the first paragraph: Entourage needed
one of the fonts you managed to reinstall to display the bold typeface.

I think in this case it's rather that his "Speakeasy Webmail" app needed one
or more of those fonts, and with it missing just defaulted to some other
font that did not have a Bold version.

As Michel says, don't delete fonts without knowing what you're doing.

In particular, you deleted Lucida Grande, presumably from /System/Fonts!
That's got nothing much to do with Office (although it's used by it).

Lucida Grande is OS X's basic system font! It's used for almost everything
by the Apple apps, and for some things (dialogs, especially) by Office and
many, many MANY other apps. I'd guess that Speakeasy Whatsis must use it

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

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