Back story, then the question:
My Speakeasy Webmail account's unread messages, in my inbox, are
boldfaced again, as they should be. How did I get it back w/o
reinstalling Word for Mac to get back the fonts I had trashed? I found
the Font Book in the Office folder and was able to reinstall three of
the twelve fonts I'd dumped: Arial, Lucinda Grande, and Verdana.
For some reason, one or all of these fonts re-enabled the boldfacing of
my unread Webmail messages. I do not see the connection, but...
Now here's the question: the other nine fonts happen to be the Asian
ones, e.g., Batang, Gulim, MS PMincho, and others. In the Font Book,
these all are labeled .ttf (true type font)--and none will open when
clicked or double-clicked. Anyone know why? I would like to reinstall
these, too, and promise never to mess with them again. Ever.
My Speakeasy Webmail account's unread messages, in my inbox, are
boldfaced again, as they should be. How did I get it back w/o
reinstalling Word for Mac to get back the fonts I had trashed? I found
the Font Book in the Office folder and was able to reinstall three of
the twelve fonts I'd dumped: Arial, Lucinda Grande, and Verdana.
For some reason, one or all of these fonts re-enabled the boldfacing of
my unread Webmail messages. I do not see the connection, but...
Now here's the question: the other nine fonts happen to be the Asian
ones, e.g., Batang, Gulim, MS PMincho, and others. In the Font Book,
these all are labeled .ttf (true type font)--and none will open when
clicked or double-clicked. Anyone know why? I would like to reinstall
these, too, and promise never to mess with them again. Ever.