Relate a notebook to a project?


Brian Vallelunga

This isn't something I originally had an issue with, but I'm wondering
if other people are in the same boat. OneNote basically forces us to use
the My Notebook folder as a root. While this is fine for just notes,
what happens when you want to store a particular notebook or section and
associate it with a group of files?

Let me give an example. I have lots of projects that I work on. In my My
Documents folder I have a "Projects" folder. Within that are folders for
the various projects that I might be working on. I very well might keep
notes about this project in OneNote, but then that notebook is stored in
a different folder. It would help me if I could group everything together.

I'm not sure what the solution to this would be. Should OneNote allow
orphaned .one files to be displaced in the dropdown? That would be a
good start. Theoretically though I might want an entire folder full of files that is separate from my normal My Notebook folder. What are
other people doing about this and has there been any discussion on the
matter before? Perhaps ditching the entire concept of a root "notebook"
would be a good idea. At the very least, we should be able to have
multiple root notebooks.



Allen Claxton

In Options | Open and Save, you can change where the My Notebook is
based. I have mine set to a Projects folder within My Documents, which
it shares with all of the other documents that I have within projects.
It makes for a little bit of clutter in OneNote, because there are
folders in Projects that I don't need in OneNote, but which show up
nonetheless, but that's a minor quibble.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

You have several options:
1. if you want, you can change the root location of the notebook to be your
Projects folder. This is done in Tools/options/Open and save.
2. less drastic is to make a new section, then "save as" that section into
the right folder on your hard disk where your other document files are. That
section will show up in your notebook with a "shortcut" icon on its tab, but
otherwise behaves normally. (You'll also still have the original of the
section before the save as - you can either delete or close that.). You can
have as many sections as you want located anywhere - you can even have
sections saved on remote file shares, web sites, etc.
3. if you have a project folder somewhere on your hard disk (or as a file
share), you can File/Open>Folder that folder from within onenote, and it
will add that folder to your notebook. Then create sections as you wish.

I would start with option #3, unless you know you want one of the others.

Chris (MS)

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