Related Tables



I have a database which has 5 tables in it.

Table 1 = List of servers on a network (prim id)

Table 2 = Backup Details (foreign key to table 1)
Table 3 = Contact Name (primid) and (foreign key to table 1)

Table 4 = Contact Numbers (foreign key to table 3)
Table 5 = Contact email (foreign key to table 3)

I am trying to implement (this is on a form with tab control screens):

On tab # 1 - user selects server via combo box which displays server
On tab # 2 - backup details are displayed for server selected in tab # 1
On tab # 3 - user selects a contact type (such as engineer, media person
etc) in a combo box
On tab # 3 there is two sub forms - one which lists phone contacts and the
other sub form lists email contacts.

Tab # 1 and # 2 work OK, however tab # 3, I cannot get the sub forms to
filter only the relevant details that are selected via the combo box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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