Relationship query



Hello all! I am having difficulty deciding what type of relationship i should
give between 2 tables. The table names are 'employees' and 'payslip'. Below
is the list of fields in these tables:
TABLE EMPLOYEES: PK empid, empname,emp address, emp hourly wage ect....
TABLE PAYSLIP: PK PaylsipID, payslip date,empid, hours worked,

My question is regarding the relationship between empid to empid for the two
tables. The payslip table will act as a table to store payslips for different
dates and store employeeids as a way off knowing which employee has been paid
what amount each month. Which type of relationship do i need from the empid
from the employees table to teh empid in the payslip table. Do i need a
1-many from the employees table(empid field) to the payslip table(empid
field) or a 1-many from the payslip table(empid field) to the employees
table(empid field)????

All help would be great :)


You need a 1-many from the employees table(empid field) to the payslip
table(empid field) as for every one employee there will be many payslips.


thanks for the help karl, spot on!!!! have a nice day :) ur help has been
highly appreciated.

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