Alright here's the deal:
I have three tables: tblMachines, tblMaintenance, and
tblMachines contains three fields, MachineID, MachineDesc, and
tblMaintenance contains MachineID, Month, Department, and Requirements
tblMaintenanceInfo contains MachineID, MaintenanceNo, CompletedDate,
and CompletedBy
I want it to work such that the Machines in both tblMachines and
tblMaintenance are the same machine item, but there are different
fields involved. I think is this a One-One relationship? Correct me
if I'm wrong on anything so far.
tblMaintenanceInfo is designed in mind to be a subform for
tblMaintenance so there can be multiple completedDates and
CompletedBys. One-Many relationship?
How can I create relationships on all these tables so it works out how
I want it? So far tblMachines and tblMaintenance seem to be dealing
with different data.
Thanks. I can describe further if you have any questions.
I have three tables: tblMachines, tblMaintenance, and
tblMachines contains three fields, MachineID, MachineDesc, and
tblMaintenance contains MachineID, Month, Department, and Requirements
tblMaintenanceInfo contains MachineID, MaintenanceNo, CompletedDate,
and CompletedBy
I want it to work such that the Machines in both tblMachines and
tblMaintenance are the same machine item, but there are different
fields involved. I think is this a One-One relationship? Correct me
if I'm wrong on anything so far.
tblMaintenanceInfo is designed in mind to be a subform for
tblMaintenance so there can be multiple completedDates and
CompletedBys. One-Many relationship?
How can I create relationships on all these tables so it works out how
I want it? So far tblMachines and tblMaintenance seem to be dealing
with different data.
Thanks. I can describe further if you have any questions.