


O.k. Now I have set up the 3rd Table. My structure is as follows:

Table 1 - Students
Student ID (PK)
Name, etc

Table 2 - Programs
Program Code (PK)
Program Names (each program belongs to one code)

Table 3 - Program Attendance
Contact ID (PK)
Staff Names
Programs (FK)
Contact Type
Student ID (FK)

I have now set up a form based on Table 3. I have the Programs filed set up
as a list box w/ multi-select enabled, I also have the Students table set up
as a list box w/ multi-select enabled.

I have entered in 3 test Attendance forms. Now neither the students or the
programs I selected show up in the tables or reports.

Please let me know what I am NOW doing incorrectly.

Thank you!

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