


My data base of thirty video has about 15 questions that pertain to each
video each answer is either a yes or no or a rating of 1 to 5.(Survey
questions table)
Each video also has its own "unique set of questions"(varying from 2 to 11
depending on the video) with a rating of 1 to 5 for each question. ("Unique
video1" up to 30)I have a continous listing report that has one video's data
per page(from Survey question table) and works fine.
Then I want to include the unique set of questions onto the continous
listing report.
The only way I could figure out how to include the unique questions was to
create a seperate table for each video. So that the Unique questions would
only print with its matching video.
Right away I had a "type mismatch in expressions" I made sure the title
"Video title" was spelled right, that the field sizes were the same and the
indexed in properties was Yes.
in the relationship screen when matching the fields I dragged the "Video
title" field from the "survey questions table" to the "Video title" field in
"Video title" field in Video1 table. The message was "one to many" and but it
matched the "ID" field in "survey questions table" to the "Video title" field
in "Video1". When I changed the "ID" field to "Video title" the message
changed to indeterminet.
Perhaps there is a better was to include these unique questions onto the
main report.
As you can see i'm am totally confused. I have searched the web and help
screen for hours and can't find out the best way to do this.
I hope this is clear.

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