relative adressing for hyperlink



I am making a VBA macro, which I would like to move to an CD later.
Therfore I would like my hyperlinks relative.

Do anyone know how to adress a file in another folder? Gving the
absolute path and filename works, see below:

ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, Address:= _
"C:\Project\PDF\" & PN & ".pdf", SubAddress:= _
"", ScreenTip:="", TextToDisplay:=PN

What I would like to do is an Adress like "file:..\PDF\" & PN & ".pdf"
however this does not work

Is there any method for defining the adress to step up 1 folder-level?
For me neither "..\" nor "../" works. What is wrong? I have been
searching the documentation i VBA but didn't found anything.

Many thanks from Putte

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