Relative Links


Aaron Moore

My company has recently switched from OneNote 2003 to One Note 2007, but
ON2007 does not seem to treat relative hyperlinks to files properly.

In 2003, I could drag and drop a file onto a page, select "copy file into
notebook and insert a link," and it would create a relative link in the form

When we switched to ON 2007, these links were converted to links with the
address "file:filename.ext," which work fine if left alone.

However, if these relative links are edited in any way, ON 2007 modifies the
link at the time it is saved to insert "///\\" between the colon and the file
name, thus breaking the link. There does not appear to be a way to remove
these characters, because, even if deleted, they are added back when the
hyperlink is saved.

The behavior is the same when creating a brand new link; "file:test.txt" is
converted to "file:///\\test.txt" --and rendered non-functional-- when the
link is saved.

Does OneNote no longer support relative links to files? Is there any

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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