Relative Path in Excel to a word document


Jorge mst


I have “word document.docx†and “word document.docx†in the same directory
and I need to put a small text of a “word document.docx†in a cell of “excel
When I move my “excel document.xlsx†to another directory, the cell have to
update to the text in the new “word document.docx†that is in the new

Anybody can help me?
Tanks in advance

Bob Bridges

First, did you really mean that you have "excel document.xlsx" and "word
document.docx" in the same directory? If not, I don't understand what's
going on here.

But if that's what you meant to say, then I think it depends on how you're
moving "word.document.docx" to the new directory. If your Excel program
is doing the move, then your Excel program can know where to find the
word document in its new location. But if you're moving the word
document outside of the Excel program -- manually, for example, in
Windows -- then Excel has no way of knowing the target document's new
location; it'll simply have to report that the document isn't there.

Now, if you know WHERE you're going to move it, you can tell your program
to look for it there. But if you knew that, you probably wouldn't be asking
this question, is my guess.

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