relativity of links within sent folders



If I sent someone a "package" of a ON folder, which will include obviously
the folder, and pages underneath, the what I've sent them is a top level
grouping, with files and pages that link to those files all contained
together. If they open it, will the links (which by the looks of what I see
depend on drive letters and full path names) work? In other words, do the
links literally read the path and go there, no matter what machine they are
on, or are the pages intelligent enough to know that there is "relativity" to
links? I know Excel does this for its files that are linked (if you link one
cell to another, and the linked-to cell is in a workbook at or below the
folder structure that the linking file is at, Excel is intelligent enough to,
once opened somewhere else...assuming both files are present in the same sort
of relationship...find the original relationship between the links). Am I
dreaming here with ON being so new?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

There is no similar "smarts" to how OneNote processes links.

I have a folder underneath my ON "My Notebook" folder, where I keep any
documents that I want links to. Then any file links I drag-and-drop a
file will always work, since they won't be moved from their absolute

In your case, sending a folder and contents would work, since by default
every PC will have the "My Documents" folder in the same location.

You can also edit the text of the link so that the path is always
relative after drag-and-dropping.

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