Reliably activate PowerPoint, do something, Activate Excel


Barb Reinhardt

I've tried using AppActivate but it's not reliably activating the
applications. Is there something I need to do so that it finds the app each
and every time. FWIW, I'm moving back and forth between PPTApp and XLApp.

In addition, I'd like to display a MsgBox in PowerPoint when I'm running the
code from Excel. How do I do that? MsgBox, puts the MSGBOX over the Excel


Barb Reinhardt


Hi Barb, it has been a while since I worked across applications but I do
remember that the appObject has to be specified for commands to be executed
in the called application. Otherwise, it defaults to the host application.
Something like Excel when you don't specify a certain sheet, it defaults to
the active sheet. I seem to remember using the With statement quite a bit to
avoid having to retype the whole appObj phrase each time. I used the
CreateObject method when I used to do those things. I had not even heard of
Scripting back then. Anyhow, that's about as much as I can contribute.

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