Remembering position in shared workbook


David Trimboli

My department uses a shared Excel workbook to keep track of our start
and end times of the work day for each employee throughout the year.
Each line in the sheet represents one day. As the year progresses from
January 1, the starting position of the sheet moves down and scrolls the
sheet as necessary. Thus, one can always see the row needed for the
current day when one opens the workbook.

This works until about April, when the sheet starting position stops
moving down. From then on until the end of the year, we have to scroll
Excel down manually to find the current day, starting at that day in
April when Excel stopped memorizing the last position in the sheet. It's
permanently remembering that day in April instead.

Why does Excel stop remembering the last position on save? How can I get
the workbook to start at the right place?

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