Tristan Bergin said:
My formatting palette in word has disappeared. I remember asking this a
while ago and getting a fix but its happened again and I have forgotten how
to correct it. Any help will be great.
Paste this into the Applescript editor and hit compile and then hit run
tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell command bar "formatting palette"
set visible to true
set {top, left position} to {100, 700}
end tell
end tell
Did I remember this or work it out from scratch? Hell no! You think I'm
smart or something? Nope. I googled the group and nicked it from Barry
Here is how to "Google the Group"
then fill in the form like so:
After "Return only messages from the group at this location:" type
After "Return only messages where the subject contains" type
"formatting palette"
This 'googling the group' is a fabulous recipe for avoiding
embarrassment when later you forget. Like when McGimpsey told you how
on 3-Aug-2005 and pointed you to an alternative method at
...that leapt straight out when I added "Tristan" to the author field in
the google groups form ;-)