Sorry for the cross post, but have gotten no help on GQ board...........
I had a problem with reminders not being able to be shown and posted on this
general questions board (Annoying Error message - Problem reading reminders
3/8/2005) - received instruction to /cleanreminders via the "command-line
Did that, but continue to get a message upon start-up of Outlook saying
"Cannot start reminder service. Unable to show reminders." on the bottom
tool bar. Outlook seems to work ok, but just not able to see reminders,
which helps me stay on track.
I had a problem with reminders not being able to be shown and posted on this
general questions board (Annoying Error message - Problem reading reminders
3/8/2005) - received instruction to /cleanreminders via the "command-line
Did that, but continue to get a message upon start-up of Outlook saying
"Cannot start reminder service. Unable to show reminders." on the bottom
tool bar. Outlook seems to work ok, but just not able to see reminders,
which helps me stay on track.