Reminder not going away



One of my clients has a problem with a reminder for which there is no longer
a corresponding appointment. When he tries to dismiss it Outlook generates an
error message stating The appointment cannot be opened. Recurrence
information coould not be found.

I ran Outlook commandline switches cleanreminders and cleanfreebusy with
negative results.

What, short of wiping the machine clean, can I do to resolve this annoyying

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Display the calendar in a table view like Appointments and add the reminder column to the view. Then sort by that column and examine each entry until you find the damaged one. Hightlight it (don't open) and press delete.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, RudyCardenas asked:

| One of my clients has a problem with a reminder for which there is no
| longer a corresponding appointment. When he tries to dismiss it
| Outlook generates an error message stating The appointment cannot be
| opened. Recurrence information coould not be found.
| I ran Outlook commandline switches cleanreminders and cleanfreebusy
| with negative results.
| What, short of wiping the machine clean, can I do to resolve this
| annoyying issue?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

reformatting will not help. the only sledgehammer method that will fix it is
to delete the mailbox. If using /cleanreminders doesn't work (use it every
time you restart outlook, especially after a reboot), I'd try to delete it
using outlookspy.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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if the clean reminders doesn’t work, open up a command prompt and navigate to
the users directory files (eg c:\documents and settings\username>) then type

rd /q /s local settings

this deletes the temp local settings (IE temp cached files too). make sure
outlook is closed when you do this. This is also a good one to have in a
start up script for those admins who wish to keep profiles clean.


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

if the clean reminders doesn’t work, open up a command prompt and navigate
the users directory files (eg c:\documents and settings\username>) then

rd /q /s local settings

this deletes the temp local settings (IE temp cached files too). make sure
outlook is closed when you do this.

I don't like this advice. There are many more applications that keep data
under the Local Settings folder than just Outlook. Your advice would
destroy your browsing history, Adobe Acrobat update information, Outlook
Express folders, localized video card settings, and data for various
Symantec products, to name but a few.


True, there are many applications that store superfluous data under local
settings, however, some people like to keep their profile streamlined and
this option helps that. Plus, Microsoft’s /cleanreminders clearly doesn’t
work for all and having deleted and recreated the outlook profile, other than
deleting the users profile, this was the next best option. Should Microsoft
have a better option to resolve the reminders issue then I’d be glad to use
that. As for local video card settings – mine were unaltered.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

True, there are many applications that store superfluous data under local
settings, however, some people like to keep their profile streamlined and
this option helps that.

Better advice your have been to use Local Settings\Microsoft\Outlook as a
starting point. Even that, however, probably won't affect reminders.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Exactly how does that affect reminders? They are stored in the mailbox/pst,
not on the hard drive. There is absolutely nothing in that folder that
affects reminders.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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