Reminder on Assigned Tasks



When assigning a task to another person, Outlook removes the reminder. Is
there a way for the recipient to set a reminder upon accepting the task? I
know the recipient can first accept the task, go to his Tasks list and open
it, and set the reminder. I am hoping there's a shortcut. Thanks!

Amy E. Baggott

To add to that question, why doesn't Outlook allow you to check the "Keep an
updated copy in my task list" for a recurring task. I have a weekly report
that needs to be run. My boss wants another person to run it, but if that
person gets too busy, I want to know so the report at least gets run by one
of us. The ability to add a reminder to an assigned task and to keep track
of a recurring task that's been assigned to someone else would be
mind-bogglingly useful.

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