Display your calendar in a table view by recurrence and then step through
each until you find the faulty item and delete it.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Baton Rouge asked:
| I've tried opening outlook with outlook.exe /resetfolders
| /cleanreminders and I still get the message "There was problem
| reading one or more of your reminders. Some reminders may not appear.
| Cannot locate recurrence information for this appointment". Any more
| suggestions?
| "Roady [MVP]" wrote:
|| Start Outlook with the /cleanreminders switch and see if it works
|| now.
|| --
|| Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
|| Tips of the month:
|| -FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within
|| Windows
|| -Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data
|| -----
|| in message || It seems that since I have been syncing my fone with Activesync my
|| reminders don't work in Outlook 2003. Did Activesync change my
|| settings? The reminders work fine on my phone after it's synced.