Reminders for followups



Is there a way to put a calendar with a popup in the
program to schedule and remind you to follow up with a
client. Thank you.

Nikos Yannacopoulos

You could:

1. Make a table with a date/time field, a notes field (text or memo) and,
possibly, a cancellation field to hold your reminders. A form to fill then
in would be a good idea.
2. Use a form that is already open anyway, or use a dummy, always open but
hidden one if a permanent one is not available, to run a timer event with an
interval of, say, 5 mins. The timer event should check the table above for
records where date/time is greater than current date and time (and possibly
less than current date and time + 5 mins), to show the notes by means of a
form. You could add functionality to push notes back (i.e. change the
date/time field in the table), set the cancellation field so it no longer
comes up if the 5 min window is not utilised etc.

All of this is greatly implemented by MS-Outlook Calendar (this is where I
drew my suggestions from). If you don't have it or insist to implement it in
Access (re-invent the wheel, that is...), you might at least take a look at
it, it will give you a good picture of basic functionality to implement.


PC Datasheet

You can do this in Outlook and the pop-up will appear on schedule no matter
what's running on your computer. Your computer just needs to be running.

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