Remote collaboration in real-time?


kd in NC

Hey everyone,

I am looking for a device/software combination that can be used
effectively as a drawing-board for remote one-to-one collaboration via
high-speed internet. I found many digital writing pads (an example
below), that can capture the diagrams I draw on the pad, and then I
can manually email the captured image to the other party. The other
party can modify the drawings and email it back to me, and so on.

I would like something that works sort of "on-the-fly"; i.e. a
synchronized image of the drawing appears on the both ends; as soon as
the drawing is modified at either end, the image at the other end is
updated with the modifications automatically. A synchronization lag of
a couple of seconds is acceptable, because it would still be very
convenient compared to emailing the image manually every time.

Does One-note support this facility with some hardware? If not, does
anyone know if anything like that is available?

Thanks in advance!


Kathy Jacobs

It sounds to me like you are looking for the live sharing features of
OneNote. This feature will give you both access to a single section at the
same time. You can do it over a LAN or over the internet. The only thing you
might not like about it is that unless the drawer is on a tablet and uses
the pen, you will be stuck with the rather rudimentary drawing tools in

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

kd in NC

Thanks a bunch Kathy! Live shared session looks like exactly what I
wanted. One additional question: if the parties at both ends have a
digital drawing pad hooked up to their computers, can they still use
the OneNote live shared sessions w/ the pad+pen as the input device
instead of mouse? I am wondering because those pads cost ~$150, while
the tablets cost ~$2k :). Any specific pads that are preferred or
compatible with OneNote?


- kd

Kathy Jacobs

The pads will let you do drawings just fine. The only thing is that you
won't be able to do handwriting recognition on what you write without the
tablet extensions and a tablet PC.

I think you will love live shared sessions. If you need help setting them up
or testing them, let me know. You can always "unknot" my email address to
reach me. (Do a reply instead of a reply group and it will make sense.)

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Josh Einstein

If you have Vista Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate you can use
handwriting recognition with external tablets.

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