Remote Control of PowerPoint Presentation


Nikolay Baldzhiev


I would like to inform you for a usefull program (called P3App Pocket
PowerPoint Presentation Application) for controlling presentations from
PocketPc, main features are:
- allow remote presentation control of a PowerPoint presentation. While the
presentation is running the PocketPC shows the current slide visible on the
presentation screen.
- the lecturer can use hand drawing on PocketPC's screen and the drawings
will be visible on the presentation screen.
- remote control of multiple presentation screens (i.e. several
presentations can be running at the same time on different computers and the
lecturer can seamlessly control all of them through a single PocketPC.
- offline presentation viewing on PocketPC - this can be used for reviewing
the presentation and the key points which the speaker will speak of.
more information about this product can be found on:

Retrieved from ""



What is the maximum number of presentations that can be controlled
simultaneously with this tool.



Another situation I'm wondering if its possible to do:
is it possible to start two presentations on the same computer (on
different desktops) and control them both remotely through a PocketPC.


(e-mail address removed) :

Another situation I'm wondering if its possible to do:
is it possible to start two presentations on the same computer (on
different desktops) and control them both remotely through a PocketPC.

In this situation you can start two instances of presentation server,
and after that make connection with client application P3app on
PocktPc to both of them. You can control up to three presentation
servers, there is no matter that they are on same computer or
different computers. After you made connection with presentation
servers you will have remote control of your powerpoint presentations.
There is detailed documentation about P3app - User Guide.pdf
P3app actually means: Pocket PowerPoint Presentation Application -
short - P3App

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