Remote Desktop with Excel



When I connect to a remote desktop, it causes problems with my Excel 2007 (on
my "main" computer, not the connected to one). All of the icons in the
ribbon get "grayed out" and I need to mouse over them to refresh. I can also
drag a window over them to get them to redraw.

When I close the program, the ribbon and top part of the toolbar "ghost"
over to another screen. This also needs to have a window drug over it to
redraw (and see my desktop underneath).

The problem only happens with Excel (no other programs are affected). I
have updated all the video drivers and my machine has a ton of memory and a
gaming video card.

The problem happens sporadically but does not seem to be related to how long
the machine's been up (it happened this morning right after startup, but
doesn't always happen the first time I connect to a server through remote

The only other factor I can think of as relevant is that Excel 2007 and 2003
are both installed on this machine. Any help is much appreciated.

Nick Hodge

I would look elsewhere than just Excel. I use Excel 2007 and RD all the time
and it works just as before. I would suspect a video driver, as you have
already done. try turning down the resolution and number of colours and see
if it goes away.


Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)
blog (non tech):


I'm having an issue using Excel 2007 on a through a remote desktop session.
The host machine is running Vista Ultimate. I can use Excel for a couple of
minutes before it crashes and restarts the host machine. When the machine
comes back up, I send the report to Microsoft and trhey tell me it's a Vista
probloem that they are working asap to fix. This has been happening since I
upgraded to Vista. Only happens when using Excel 2007 through remote desktop

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