Remote Procedure Call Failed



I have to repair Outlook several times a day when it
hangs. The only message I get (sometimes) is "Remote
Procedure Call Failed". At this point I have to run
repair and reboot.

Does anyone have an answer for this?


I think you have the Blaster bug, Rick.

First do a virus scan. If you don't have a virus scanner (naughty!) go to
Start/Run and type services.msc and scroll down to Remote Procedure Call and
disable it. Do not disable Remote Procedure Call Locator.

Visit and let them scan your PC for you. You can obtain the
tools there to take of of anything the scan finds.

Good luck,



-----Original Message-----
I think you have the Blaster bug, Rick.

First do a virus scan. If you don't have a virus scanner (naughty!) go to
Start/Run and type services.msc and scroll down to Remote Procedure Call and
disable it. Do not disable Remote Procedure Call Locator.

Visit and let them scan your PC for you. You can obtain the
tools there to take of of anything the scan finds.

Good luck,


I have lots of anti virus tools I reconfirmed that there
is no virus. This is the second version of Office in 6
months with the same problem. My system will not let me
disacble the Remote Procedure Call Process....

Any other recommendations?


Try looking on your registry with REGEDIT.
Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
" you should find only 2 keys starting with Rpc, being
RpcLocator and RpcSs. If you have others, then you are
indeed infected.

Remote procedure call errors generate when the current
workstation is not able to start a remote process.
Outlook, and other COM enabled applications, use DCOM to
do this. This technology allows starting a program on a
remote PC and make it look as if it is running locally in
local memory.

If the remote process does not start or starts in a faulty
way, you might consider testing your hardware (NIC, cables
and LAN) for failures. DCOM processes are fragile because
they rely on a networking layer, and if bits are lost on
the road, they do not autorecover very well, hence the

Hope this helps.

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