Removal of tasks fro My Tasks view



Hi... could anyone let me when the tasks disappear from "My Tasks" view.

Is it after the taks is 100% complete? or Some time later than the task is
100% complete?

Also, we found that, if a resource is assigned to a (big duration) task at
different time intervals, that task is appearing in his "My Tasks" view from
the assignment start of first interval & till the assignment finish of last
interval. Is there any solution for this, where the resource will be able to
see & update the task during that particular interval.


Paul Conroy

If the user has selected the "Show only current task" option in the View
Options pane on the My Tasks page, then the completed task will disappear in
10 days, or in the number of days defined by the Project Server
administrator as a Current task.

Gary L. Chefetz


If you're saying that you are creating long-duration tasks with splits in
the work, then the answer is that the system will see the task as a current
task until it is complete. The only other option is to model the working
intervals as separate tasks and use lag time in the dependencies to account
for the gaps. Make sense?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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Hi Gary,

Thanks for the response. Let me explain you the story!!! We are newly going
for PS07 and during the implementation meetings our management decided that
we will not go for detail task level resourcing. Instead we will do at a
higher level wherein there will be 10 or 12 activities which would be called
as "Cost / Pay Activities" whose primary function is to collect the man-hrs &
respective cost to the project.

Now, when I have a task which extends thru 60% to 90% of the project
duration and different resources are assigned to that task and a certain
resource may work for 1 or 2 months during peak period of the project. To
accomplish is there any solution, so that that particular resource will be
able to view this task in his "My Tasks" view only during that assignment


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