remove all hyperlinks in a single doc.


Keith Ng


I am running Word 2000 and I would like to know how to remove all the
hyperlinks within a single document.

I know I can do in for individual link by right-clicking the link and select
remove hyperlink. But I want to remove them all at once without looking
though the doc.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

If the hyperlinks are the only fields you have, Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Shift+F9.
This will unlink *all* fields. If you have more than one kind of field, then
proceed as follows:

1. Display the field code (Alt+F9).

2. Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog.

3. In the "Find what" box, type ^19 HYPERLINK.

4. Starting at the top of the document, click "Find Next." This will take
you to the first Hyperlink field and select the entire field.

5. Press Ctrl+Shift+F9.

6. Close the Find dialog.

7. Use the browse arrows (Find Next, Find Previous) to find each other
hyperlink in the document. When you land on each one, press F4. This will
repeat the unlinking operation. This actually goes a lot faster than you
would expect (just alternating a mouse click and a keypress) unless you have
a *lot* of hyperlinks.

Keith Ng

Thanks Suzanne,

Just one more question. Can I configure Word so that it would not show the
hyperlinks when it open a document which already has some hyperlinks

Thanks again.


news:[email protected]...

Charles Kenyon

Not showing the hyperlinks is different from (less than) removing the
hyperlinks. You can change the following two styles in a document to have no
underlining and automatic color:
Followed Hyperlink

You can record a macro to do this and run the macro when you open a document
you want to eliminate hyperlinks in.

Doing this automatically is possible but do you really want to change any
document you open in this way without thinking about it first?

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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