Remove all spaces from a field


Lee Wold

I have a field that has postcodes in it. I want to remove all spaces from
the field (therefore trim does not work. In excel I would use substitute
and replace " " with "" to achieve this.

How can I do this in Access.

Many thanks.

Bruce M. Thompson

I have a field that has postcodes in it. I want to remove all spaces from
the field (therefore trim does not work. In excel I would use substitute
and replace " " with "" to achieve this.

How can I do this in Access.

If you are using Access 2000, or higher, you could use the "Replace()" function
(see and ...[email protected]#link5

.... for some notes on this). If you have Access 97, you can use this function
(would also work with later versions of Access):

Public Function fReplace(Expression As String, Find As String, _
ReplaceWith As String, _
Optional Start As Integer = 1, _
Optional Count As Integer = -1, _
Optional Compare As Integer = vbBinaryCompare) As String

'Name: fReplace (Function)
'Purpose: Access97 version of the A2k Replace function
'Author: Terry Kreft
'Date: June 01, 2000, 02:44:34
'Called by: Any
'Calls: None
'Inputs: Expression - String to Search
' Find - Sub-String to be replaced
' ReplaceWith - Sub-String to insert
' Start - Optional start of string to return and replace
' Count - Optional number of replacements to carry out
' Compare - Optional compare method to use _
(valid values are 0, 1, 2)
'Output: 1) If Expression is zero-length
' then a zero-length string ("")
' 2) If Expression is Null then an error
' 2) If Find is zero-length then a copy of Expression.
' 3) If ReplaceWith is zero-length then a copy of _
Expression with all occurences of find removed.
' 4) If Start > Len(Expression) then a zero-length string.
' 5) If Count is 0 then a copy of Expression.

Dim intInstr As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intFindLen As Integer
Dim intRepLen As Integer
Dim strRet As String
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo fReplace_err

intFindLen = Len(Find)
intRepLen = Len(ReplaceWith)

If Compare < vbBinaryCompare Or Compare > vbDatabaseCompare Then
Err.Raise 1 + vbObjectError, Description:="Bad compare method"
ElseIf Len(Expression) = 0 Or Start > Len(Expression) Then
strRet = ""
ElseIf Count = 0 Or intFindLen = 0 Then
strRet = Expression
strTemp = Mid(Expression, Start)
intCount = Count
intInstr = InStr(1, strTemp, Find, Compare)
Do While intInstr > 0
strRet = strRet & Left(strTemp, intInstr - 1) & ReplaceWith
strTemp = Mid(strTemp, intInstr + Len(Find))
intInstr = InStr(1, strTemp, Find, Compare)
intCount = intCount - 1
If intCount = 0 Then Exit Do
End If
strRet = strRet & strTemp
fReplace = strRet
Exit Function
strRet = ""
With Err
.Raise .Number, .Source, .Description, .HelpFile, .HelpContext
End With
End Function
'**********FUNCTION END

Lee Wold

Many thanks Bruce - worked a treat!

Bruce M. Thompson said:
If you are using Access 2000, or higher, you could use the "Replace()" function
(see and ...[email protected]#link5

... for some notes on this). If you have Access 97, you can use this function
(would also work with later versions of Access):

Public Function fReplace(Expression As String, Find As String, _
ReplaceWith As String, _
Optional Start As Integer = 1, _
Optional Count As Integer = -1, _
Optional Compare As Integer = vbBinaryCompare) As String

'Name: fReplace (Function)
'Purpose: Access97 version of the A2k Replace function
'Author: Terry Kreft
'Date: June 01, 2000, 02:44:34
'Called by: Any
'Calls: None
'Inputs: Expression - String to Search
' Find - Sub-String to be replaced
' ReplaceWith - Sub-String to insert
' Start - Optional start of string to return and replace
' Count - Optional number of replacements to carry out
' Compare - Optional compare method to use _
(valid values are 0, 1, 2)
'Output: 1) If Expression is zero-length
' then a zero-length string ("")
' 2) If Expression is Null then an error
' 2) If Find is zero-length then a copy of Expression.
' 3) If ReplaceWith is zero-length then a copy of _
Expression with all occurences of find removed.
' 4) If Start > Len(Expression) then a zero-length string.
' 5) If Count is 0 then a copy of Expression.

Dim intInstr As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intFindLen As Integer
Dim intRepLen As Integer
Dim strRet As String
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo fReplace_err

intFindLen = Len(Find)
intRepLen = Len(ReplaceWith)

If Compare < vbBinaryCompare Or Compare > vbDatabaseCompare Then
Err.Raise 1 + vbObjectError, Description:="Bad compare method"
ElseIf Len(Expression) = 0 Or Start > Len(Expression) Then
strRet = ""
ElseIf Count = 0 Or intFindLen = 0 Then
strRet = Expression
strTemp = Mid(Expression, Start)
intCount = Count
intInstr = InStr(1, strTemp, Find, Compare)
Do While intInstr > 0
strRet = strRet & Left(strTemp, intInstr - 1) & ReplaceWith
strTemp = Mid(strTemp, intInstr + Len(Find))
intInstr = InStr(1, strTemp, Find, Compare)
intCount = intCount - 1
If intCount = 0 Then Exit Do
End If
strRet = strRet & strTemp
fReplace = strRet
Exit Function
strRet = ""
With Err
.Raise .Number, .Source, .Description, .HelpFile, .HelpContext
End With
End Function
'**********FUNCTION END

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