I virtually know nothing about XML. I would like to remove all the tabs from
the ribbon except my Custom Tab, how can I do this?
This is what I have in the Microsoft Office Custom UI:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
<tab idMso="TabHome" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabInsert" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabPageLayout" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabFormulas" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabData" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabReview" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabView" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabDeveloper" visible="false"/>
<tab id="customTab" label="AdTech" insertAfterMso="Developer">
<group id="customGroup" label="Global Production Schedule">
<button id="custombutton1" label="Import Macola Data" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="ImportExcel" />
<button id="custombutton2" label="Send To Archive" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="Piggy" /> <button id="custombutton4"
label="Sort by Sales Order" size="large" onAction="a" imageMso="Grouping" />
<button id="custombutton3" label="Create Ready Schedule" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="NewTask" />
<button id="custombutton5" label="Create Sales Schedule" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="AccountMenu" />
<button id="custombutton6" label="Compile Dept. Schedules" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="FormsMenu" />
the ribbon except my Custom Tab, how can I do this?
This is what I have in the Microsoft Office Custom UI:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
<tab idMso="TabHome" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabInsert" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabPageLayout" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabFormulas" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabData" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabReview" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabView" visible="false"/>
<tab idMso="TabDeveloper" visible="false"/>
<tab id="customTab" label="AdTech" insertAfterMso="Developer">
<group id="customGroup" label="Global Production Schedule">
<button id="custombutton1" label="Import Macola Data" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="ImportExcel" />
<button id="custombutton2" label="Send To Archive" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="Piggy" /> <button id="custombutton4"
label="Sort by Sales Order" size="large" onAction="a" imageMso="Grouping" />
<button id="custombutton3" label="Create Ready Schedule" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="NewTask" />
<button id="custombutton5" label="Create Sales Schedule" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="AccountMenu" />
<button id="custombutton6" label="Compile Dept. Schedules" size="large"
onAction="a" imageMso="FormsMenu" />