Remove attachments - increasing number of equal signs



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I use the "remove attachments" script available at <>
to remove attachments from my e-mail.

When I first used it, it added one line of "equal signs" above and below the message that it put into the e-mail saying it was removing the attachment. Since the, the number of equal signs is continually increasing. With each e-mail that I remove attachments from, the number of equal signs increases.

The script has the following lines to define the number of equal signs, but the line that resets pNoteLine doesn't seem to reset it - somehow it's picking up the value that was last used and adding another pLineLength to what it used last time.

property pNoteLine :""
repeat with n from 1 to pLineLength
set pNoteLine to pNoteLine & "="
end repeat

Any suggestions?

Julia Bell

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