Remove Attchments for all viewers



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: Exchange

I have an email address that is viewed by three people - on three macs. When one of them chooses "remove attachment" I want it to be removed from the server, but it is only removing locally, so all the clients with access to that account have to manually remove all the attachments (there's hundreds of these emails with attachments). Is there a way to get the attachment to be removed from the server and all clients?

Thanks, Don

Michel Bintener

Hi Don,

this has been a longstanding issue with Entourage, and it has not been fixed
in Entourage 2008, either. The short story is: you cannot remove attachments
from any server-based e-mail messages. What you can do instead: remove the
attachment from the local copy, then delete the original message on the
server and copy the modified local message back to the server.

If you want to request the removal of attachments from server-based
messages, please do so by clicking on Help>Send Feedback about Entourage.

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: Exchange

I have an email address that is viewed by three people - on three macs. When
one of them chooses "remove attachment" I want it to be removed from the
server, but it is only removing locally, so all the clients with access to
that account have to manually remove all the attachments (there's hundreds of
these emails with attachments). Is there a way to get the attachment to be
removed from the server and all clients?

Thanks, Don

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

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