Remove blank spaces in a string



I have two text fields storing part numbers. One stores the stripped number
and the other stores the spaced number. Example: (12345 and 12 34 5). I
have an unbound Search text box that I currently type a stripped number into
and the record is retrieved.
DoCmd.GoToControl "[NumberID]"
DoCmd.FindRecord .Search, acEntire, False, , False, , True
DoCmd.GoToControl "Number"
I need help on the following:
If a spaced number is entered, I would like to strip all spaces and have it
find the stripped number as if I had typed the stripped number first. can
anyone help me? Thanks in advance.



Hiya hd,

You should be able to use the replace function at the beginning of your
search button on_click event (assumming that's how you have it setup. In the
alternative (and maybe a better way) would be to attach this code to some
event of the textbox where you type the value (lost_focus? or
on_change?...not sure...just try and see what works). The code is simple:

Replace(txtMySearchBox, " ", "")

I think that should work.



PS: The code above will work, I think, as is IF you put it in an event
associated with the text box where you enter the part number.

If you want to attach it to a search button, you'll need to do something
like this:

Me.txtMySearchBox = Replace(Me.txtMySearchBox, " ", "")


Cheese_whiz said:
Hiya hd,

You should be able to use the replace function at the beginning of your
search button on_click event (assumming that's how you have it setup. In the
alternative (and maybe a better way) would be to attach this code to some
event of the textbox where you type the value (lost_focus? or
on_change?...not sure...just try and see what works). The code is simple:

Replace(txtMySearchBox, " ", "")

I think that should work.


hdfixitup said:
I have two text fields storing part numbers. One stores the stripped number
and the other stores the spaced number. Example: (12345 and 12 34 5). I
have an unbound Search text box that I currently type a stripped number into
and the record is retrieved.
DoCmd.GoToControl "[NumberID]"
DoCmd.FindRecord .Search, acEntire, False, , False, , True
DoCmd.GoToControl "Number"
I need help on the following:
If a spaced number is entered, I would like to strip all spaces and have it
find the stripped number as if I had typed the stripped number first. can
anyone help me? Thanks in advance.



Having decided to test it, I think I can be more accurate. You can put the
code in probably a few places, but definitely in the "lost_focus" event of
the text box itself or in the search button "on_click" event. The code
should be:

Me.txtYourPartNoInputControl = Replace(Me.txtYourPartNoInputControl, " ", "")


Cheese_whiz said:
PS: The code above will work, I think, as is IF you put it in an event
associated with the text box where you enter the part number.

If you want to attach it to a search button, you'll need to do something
like this:

Me.txtMySearchBox = Replace(Me.txtMySearchBox, " ", "")


Cheese_whiz said:
Hiya hd,

You should be able to use the replace function at the beginning of your
search button on_click event (assumming that's how you have it setup. In the
alternative (and maybe a better way) would be to attach this code to some
event of the textbox where you type the value (lost_focus? or
on_change?...not sure...just try and see what works). The code is simple:

Replace(txtMySearchBox, " ", "")

I think that should work.


hdfixitup said:
I have two text fields storing part numbers. One stores the stripped number
and the other stores the spaced number. Example: (12345 and 12 34 5). I
have an unbound Search text box that I currently type a stripped number into
and the record is retrieved.
DoCmd.GoToControl "[NumberID]"
DoCmd.FindRecord .Search, acEntire, False, , False, , True
DoCmd.GoToControl "Number"
I need help on the following:
If a spaced number is entered, I would like to strip all spaces and have it
find the stripped number as if I had typed the stripped number first. can
anyone help me? Thanks in advance.


Ken Sheridan

If the part numbers are made up entirely of numbers you can prevent a user
entering anything but numeric character into the control by putting the
following in its KeyPress event procedure:

If Not IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii)) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If

BTW I would advise against storing both the spaced and stripped numbers in
the table; it leaves it open to the risk of update anomalies. If you have
just the column for the stripped numbers you can always return the spaced
version with the Format function:

Format([PartNumber],"00 00 0")

If the part number can contain non-numeric characters as well as numbers you
can prevent a user entering a space with the following in the KeyPress event

Const conSPACE = 32

If KeyAscii = conSPACE Then KeyAscii = 0

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I can not express how much I appreciate your input. I replaced your txt..,
with my control name and everything worked JUST PERFECT. You ARE THE MAN!!!
Thank you again and have a great weekend.


Cheese_whiz said:
Having decided to test it, I think I can be more accurate. You can put the
code in probably a few places, but definitely in the "lost_focus" event of
the text box itself or in the search button "on_click" event. The code
should be:

Me.txtYourPartNoInputControl = Replace(Me.txtYourPartNoInputControl, " ", "")


Cheese_whiz said:
PS: The code above will work, I think, as is IF you put it in an event
associated with the text box where you enter the part number.

If you want to attach it to a search button, you'll need to do something
like this:

Me.txtMySearchBox = Replace(Me.txtMySearchBox, " ", "")


Cheese_whiz said:
Hiya hd,

You should be able to use the replace function at the beginning of your
search button on_click event (assumming that's how you have it setup. In the
alternative (and maybe a better way) would be to attach this code to some
event of the textbox where you type the value (lost_focus? or
on_change?...not sure...just try and see what works). The code is simple:

Replace(txtMySearchBox, " ", "")

I think that should work.



I have two text fields storing part numbers. One stores the stripped number
and the other stores the spaced number. Example: (12345 and 12 34 5). I
have an unbound Search text box that I currently type a stripped number into
and the record is retrieved.
DoCmd.GoToControl "[NumberID]"
DoCmd.FindRecord .Search, acEntire, False, , False, , True
DoCmd.GoToControl "Number"
I need help on the following:
If a spaced number is entered, I would like to strip all spaces and have it
find the stripped number as if I had typed the stripped number first. can
anyone help me? Thanks in advance.


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