Remove/convert nested subtables automatically


Jim Bunch

Does anyone know of a way to convert all nested subtables in a cell to text
automatically without converting the cell. I've brought some tables into
word from the web, and they have cell with nested tables 3 or 4 deep before
any content is reached. I would like to remove the nests and save the
content in the topmost cell.

As it is now I have to go to the cell and then click on the Table - convert
to text by hand to remove each nest. This takes FOREVER.

Shauna Kelly

Hi Jim

The easiest way is to convert all the "inner" tables to text.

To do that, select the whole of the outer-most cell. Do Table > Convert >
Table to Text. You can then choose what should separate the text in the
various tables when it's converted.

Sadly, none of the proffered options will absolutely fit your needs, because
what we really need is to have *no* separator. So, choose paragraph marks.
Then, when all your tables are un-nested, do a search and replace to get rid
of the extraneous paragraph marks. At its simplest, search for ^p^p and
replace with ^p. Repeat until they're all gone. Or, for cleverer ways to do
that in one step, see
Cleaning up text pasted from the Web

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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