Remove duplicate information in different fields



Hi all

I have an address file with 50k records

The fields are Add1, Add2, - Add6, Postcode

The postcode field has such information but this information is also
duplicated in various add fields

How do I go about removing postcode data from add fields so the do not print
on address labels twice

thanks for any input, Garry

Michel Walsh

I would make the test, before printing:

if postcode = add1 OR postcode = add2 OR ... OR postCode = add6 then
' do nothing
' print the postcode
end if

You can also update the table (untested, make a backup before running such a
massive update) :

SET add1=iif(add1=postcode, null, add1),
add2=iif(add2=postcode, null, add2),

It assumes the add_ fields can take a null value.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP


Thankyou Michel I will put it to the test

One more thing, what if the add fields contain say "London" or "Edinburgh"
and then the postcode in the same field

Cheers, Garry

Michel Walsh

You have to use the operator LIKE, in that case:

SET add1=iif( add1 LIKE "*" & postalCode & "*", Replace(add1, postalCode,
"" ), add1) ,
add2=iff( add2 LIKE "*"& postalCode & "*", Replace(add2, postalCode,
"" ), add2 ),

Note that you can end up with a zero length string, rather than with a NULL,
as it was previously suggested with a simple = test.

If you prefer to test at the printing step:

if eval(" (add1 & add2 & add3 & add4 & add5) LIKE '*' & postalCode & '*'
") then
'do nothing, already printed
'print the postal code
end if

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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