Remove empty lines from address retrieved from Outlook


Anne P.

This should be easy, but I can't figure it out. I am using Outlook 2003 and
Word 2003. I have tried everything I can think of (and everything I have
found through a Google search and I have also been to to set
the AddressLayout so that it skips blank fields, but to no avail. If the
Outlook contact has no company name or title, I get two empty lines in my
address. If there is either a company or a title but not the other, I get
one empty line in my address. I am at my wit's end on how to do this
through Word and Outlook. I thought of searching the string for double or
triple carriage returns and removing the extras, however, the user can click
the To button repeatedly to add another address to the text box (which means
that each time a new address is selected, there will be two carriage returns
after the previous address in the list. This is how the AddressLayout is
stored in AutoText in my letter template:





I am using the following code to allow the user to retrieve an address and
insert it into the text box. In addition, there are several functions that
are called which enable me to pull the First field (which is the
PR_DISPLAY_NAME) add to another string which is used in the second page
header in the letter.

Dim strAddress As String
Dim strToHeader As String
Dim astrToHeader() As String

If txtTo = "" Then
strAddress = Application.GetAddress(, , True, 1, , _
, True, True)
txtTo.Text = strAddress
StringToArray strAddress, astrToHeader(), vbCr
strToHeader = astrToHeader(0)
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("To") Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set BmRange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("To").Range
BmRange.Text = strToHeader
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:="To", Range:=BmRange
End If
strAddress = Application.GetAddress(, , _
True, 1, , , True, True)
txtTo.Text = txtTo.Text & vbCr & vbCr & strAddress
StringToArray strAddress, astrToHeader(), vbCr
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("To") Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set BmRange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("To").Range
End If
strToHeader = BmRange & Chr(11) & astrToHeader(0)
End If

Public BmRange As Range

Public Function CountDelimitedWords( _

pstrIn As String, _

pstrChrDelimit As String) _

As Long

Dim lngWordCount As Long

Dim lngPos As Long

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

lngWordCount = 1

' Find the first occurence

lngPos = InStr(pstrIn, pstrChrDelimit)

Do While lngPos > 0

' Increment the hit counter

lngWordCount = lngWordCount + 1

' Loop until no more occurrences

lngPos = InStr(lngPos + 1, pstrIn, pstrChrDelimit)


' Return the value

CountDelimitedWords = lngWordCount


Exit Function


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _



End Function

Public Function GetDelimitedWord( _

pstrIn As String, _

ByVal plngIndex As Long, _

pstrChrDelimit As String) _

As String

Dim lngCounter As Long

Dim lngStartPos As Long

Dim lngEndPos As Long

Dim strDelimit As String

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

' Set initial values

lngCounter = 1

lngStartPos = 1

strDelimit = Left$(pstrChrDelimit, 1)

' Count to the specified index

For lngCounter = 2 To plngIndex

' Get the new starting position

lngStartPos = InStr(lngStartPos, pstrIn, strDelimit) + 1

Next lngCounter

' Determine the ending position

lngEndPos = InStr(lngStartPos, pstrIn, strDelimit) - 1

' Ending position can't be less than 1

If lngEndPos <= 0 Then

lngEndPos = Len(pstrIn)

End If

' Pull the word out and return it

GetDelimitedWord = Mid$(pstrIn, lngStartPos, lngEndPos - lngStartPos + 1)


Exit Function


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _



End Function

Public Function ReplaceChars( _

pstrIn As String, _

pstrFind As String, _

pstrReplace As String) _

As String

Dim lngCounter As Long

Dim strTmp As String

Dim strChrTmp As String * 1

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

' Loop through the string

For lngCounter = 1 To Len(pstrIn)

' Get the current character

strChrTmp = Mid$(pstrIn, lngCounter)

If strChrTmp <> pstrFind Then

' Its not a match, do nothing

strTmp = strTmp & strChrTmp


' Its a match, so use the replacement character

strTmp = strTmp & pstrReplace

End If

Next lngCounter

' Return the value

ReplaceChars = strTmp


Exit Function


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _



End Function

Public Function StringToArray( _

pstrIn As String, _

pastrIn() As String, _

pstrChrDelimit As String) _

As Long

Dim lngCounter As Long

Dim lngWordCount As Long

On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

' Count the words

lngWordCount = CountDelimitedWords(pstrIn, pstrChrDelimit)

' Resize the array accordingly

ReDim pastrIn(0 To lngWordCount - 1)

' Walk through the words

For lngCounter = 0 To lngWordCount - 1

' Add the words to the array

pastrIn(lngCounter) = GetDelimitedWord(pstrIn, lngCounter + 1,

Next lngCounter

' Return the count

StringToArray = lngWordCount


Exit Function


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description, , _



End Function

Any ideas on how I can get the AddressLayout to remove those extra lines, or
how I can modify the code to have them removed?


Anne P.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Anne P. was telling us:
Anne P. nous racontait que :
This should be easy, but I can't figure it out. I am using Outlook
2003 and Word 2003. I have tried everything I can think of (and
everything I have found through a Google search and I have also been
to to set the AddressLayout so that it skips blank
fields, but to no avail. If the Outlook contact has no company name
or title, I get two empty lines in my address. If there is either a
company or a title but not the other, I get one empty line in my
address. I am at my wit's end on how to do this through Word and
Outlook. I thought of searching the string for double or triple
carriage returns and removing the extras, however, the user can click
the To button repeatedly to add another address to the text box
(which means that each time a new address is selected, there will be
two carriage returns after the previous address in the list. This is
how the AddressLayout is stored in AutoText in my letter template:




Have you tried something like this:


Note the ¶ inside the double quote.

If the field {<PR_COMPANY_NAME>} is empty, nothing will be shown, if it
isn't, it will show its content plus a paragraph mark to add a line.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Anne P.

Hi, all,

I am not working with a form document. This a Word template named SK The code that I posted is code that is behind a User Form
(dialog box) in the template.

I don't think that either of those methods are going to work for what I am
trying to do.

Anne P.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Anne P. was telling us:
Anne P. nous racontait que :
Hi, all,

I am not working with a form document. This a Word template named SK The code that I posted is code that is behind a User Form
(dialog box) in the template.

I don't think that either of those methods are going to work for what
I am trying to do.

Have you tried?

You have to insert some merge fields at some point, so instead of inserting
a regular field like
insert something like:

Why wouldn't it work?

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Graham Mayor

You have the curly brackets in the wrong places. As you have them they are
not even required


would give you the same incorrectly spaced result. What you should have is:



The curly brackets are not field boundaries (CTRL+F9) but typed from the
keyboard, but they work like field boundaries to place what is contained in
them ie the field *and* the line feed as appropriate.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Graham Mayor

An extra line sneaked in there - it should read:


<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Anne P.

See replies below,
Anne P.
Jean-Guy Marcil said:
Anne P. was telling us:
Anne P. nous racontait que :

Have you tried?
No, I didn't try, because I already know this is not the answer to my
particular solution.
You have to insert some merge fields at some point, so instead of
inserting a regular field like
insert something like:
Why do I have to insert some merge fields? I have a button on my dialog box
from which I select names from Outlook. When I click OK it inserts info
already contained in a text box into a bookmark. As I stated before, this
is not a "form document".

Graham Mayor

You are welcome :)

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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