Mickey Ferguson
This may not be the right forum in which to ask this question, but I'll try
here anyway. I've got a VB6 application that copies text into the
Clipboard.SetText sMsg
I read the documentation in MSDN, which states that if an optional, second
parameter, Format, is not supplied, the default format to copy the text is
Text (in other words, not RichText or DDE. When I then go to another
application (Microsoft Word 2003) and paste the clipboard contents into a
table, it pasts in the font from my VB app, not preserving the existing
table's font. Am I doing something wrong? Is there some property I can set
on the table in Word 2003 so that the font will remain constant? Or maybe I
need to change the way I put the text onto the clipboard within my VB app?
here anyway. I've got a VB6 application that copies text into the
Clipboard.SetText sMsg
I read the documentation in MSDN, which states that if an optional, second
parameter, Format, is not supplied, the default format to copy the text is
Text (in other words, not RichText or DDE. When I then go to another
application (Microsoft Word 2003) and paste the clipboard contents into a
table, it pasts in the font from my VB app, not preserving the existing
table's font. Am I doing something wrong? Is there some property I can set
on the table in Word 2003 so that the font will remain constant? Or maybe I
need to change the way I put the text onto the clipboard within my VB app?